This is an educational web site by Dr. Dale Dubin (Dale Dubin, M.D.), which includes important EKG (ECG) information about EKG tracings, 12 lead EKG's, and cardiac monitors. All web sites offer free PDF downloads.
To order Rapid Interpretation of EKG's, scroll to the bottom of the page. |
Ion Adventure in the Heartland
Denton A. Cooley, M.D.
President and Surgeon-in-Chief
Texas Heart Institute
“Dr. Dubin... Let me compliment you on this
very fascinating book, Adventure in the Heartland , Vol.
I. I have
found it beautifully
illustrated and the explanations are superb. I do not know of a
better book, which is available for understanding the ionic-molecular
mechanisms of the heart.”
Prof. Nicholas Sperelakis, Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
“Doctor Dubin strikes again! As a complement
to his highly successful book on the EKG (Rapid Interpretation
of EKG's), now in its 6th edition, Dr.
Dubin has produced a new monumental book, Ion Adventure in the Heartland (Vol.
I). This masterfully written and unique
book is destined to become a classic on the electrical activity
of the heart. Dr. Dubin worked on this huge project for about
17 years. It is very profusely illustrated, with figures/diagrams being the
of each page. The text is very brief, and limited to the key
essentials that complement and enhance understanding of the
Ion Adventure is loaded with important basic facts and information,
and provides hundreds of references. It starts with the basics
of electricity and magnetism, with the appropriate history, and
progresses into the EKG, followed by cellular electrophysiology
and ion-channel function and regulation, and ending with autonomic
modulation of the heart's electrical activity. The material is
up-to-date and relatively easy to understand.
This book should prove to be valuable reading for medical students,
residents, cardiologists, and cardiovascular researchers. Dr.
Dubin is to be congratulated on his novel masterpiece.”
Mikel Rothenberg, M.D.
Internist, Prolific author, Emergency Care Educator
"Rarely does a medical book come along that
solves so many medical enigmata and delivers so much insight into
function that it is
destined to be a monumental classic. Such is the new Ion Adventure in the Heartland by Dr. Dale Dubin, which clearly explains the
ionic-molecular physiology of the heart, from the ionic basis of
electrical conduction, to the mechanisms driving Wenckebach conduction,
to autonomic modulation of ion-kinetic structures of cardiac cells.
It is a pleasure to read and quite easy to understand.
With so
many mysteries of the heart solved, a new understanding of cardiac
function emerges that will inevitably advance medical science,
pharmaco-therapeutics, and practical patient care."
Brian F. Hoffman, MD
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University
“Most physicians (and medical students) are discouraged in their
efforts to understand cardiac electrophysiology because of the
need to grasp abstract biophysical concepts and complex equations.
Ion Adventure in the Heartland removes both of these impediments
to understanding and in addition adds a great deal of “fun” to
the learning process.
The use of multiple realistic but simplified illustrations combined
with short, clear explanatory statements is the device that makes
this book so effective. But who ever dreamed of an enjoyable text
in which the explanatory paragraph on every page is associated
with a magnificent illustration.
And what outstanding illustrations
they are!
I believe that a reader with no background in medicine or biology
could study Adventure in the Heartland and obtain an excellent
understanding of ionic-molecular cardiac electrophysiology and
also the regulation of cardiac activity in health and disease.
This is indeed a remarkable accomplishment.”
Katherine Timothy
Clinical Coordinator for Arrhythmia Genetic Research
Harvard Medical School/University of Utah collaborative study
“I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Dr. Dubin’s new book, Ion
Adventure in the Heartland . The way he uses diagrams and explanations
makes so much sense.”
Arnold M. Katz, MD, D.Med. (Hon.), FACP, FACC
Professor of Medicine Emeritus, University of Connecticut School
of Medicine,
Visiting Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Dartmouth Medical
“Adventure in the Heartland , is a superb and expertly illustrated
presentation of complex material that reflects Dr. Dubin’s
love of teaching and writing. His gift for making complex issues
clear is reflected in this book.”
Stanley Nattel, M.D.
Montreal Heart Institute
“Ion Adventure in the Heartland presents the most important aspects
of a complex subject in a way that is simple and easy to understand.
The clarity and aesthetic delight of the presentation are outstanding.”
Michael C. Sanguinetti, Ph.D.
Professor of Internal Medicine
Cardiology Division, University of Utah
"Ion Adventure in the Heartland is really wonderful, and I think it will be
extremely helpful for beginners in the field and a nice reference for those familiar
ion channels. It should be especially useful for teachers who are always in need
of simple graphic materials to help students understand the complex biology associated
with the biophysics of ion channels."
Michael E. DeBakey, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
“The format and diagrams of Adventure in the Heartland are reader-friendly,
and its content is obviously the result of considerable effort.”
Charles Antzelevitch, Ph.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.H.A.
Executive Director, Director of Research
Gordon H. Moe Scholar, Masonic Medical Research Laboratory
“… a masterful job in presenting some difficult concepts in a simple
and understandable manner.”
Richard Mladick, M.D.,
Wow! What a fantastic text… I am overwhelmed! “Ion
Adventure in the Heartland is the first text I can’t
wait to read for pleasure, as well for what I can learn.
This has to be one of the most outstanding medical texts ever.
The illustrations are unique and make the whole book entertaining
in a scientific way.
International Comments • Reviews • Opinions
Professor Denis Noble, CBE, FRS, Hon. FRCP
Department of Physiology, Oxford University
“Ion Adventure in the Heartland is an extraordinary achievement.
To make one of the most difficult areas of cardiac science
so accessible is remarkable. Even those who are expert in the field
will find valuable insights in the way the material is presented."
Masanori Sunagawa, M.D., Ph.D.
School of Medicine, Ryukyus University
“The explanation of the nature of membrane transporters including
ion channels, ion pumps, and ion exchangers is very concise and
easily understood."
Paschalis-Adam Molyvdas, MD
Professor of Physiology
Dean of Thessalia Medical School, Greece
“I am indeed impressed
with the huge amount of work required for this masterpiece. The
illustrative presentation of the information is unique. From
the Historical aspects of the EKG until Autonomic Modulation
of Ion-Kinetic Structures, the information is concise and up
to date, yet simultaneously easy to understand and perceive.
I am certain that Ion Adventure will prove to be a valuable companion
and vital teaching tool for medical students, residents, cardiologists,
and researchers.”
Hein Wellens, MD, FACC, FESC
Professor and Chairman, Deptartment of Cardiology
Academic Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht University
“Adventure in the Heartland is a fantastic new method explaining
important cardiac information.”
Yasuhiro Katsube, M.D., Ph.D.
Nippon Medical School, Japan
“ Ion Adventure in the Heartland is nicely illustrated
and very helpful for understanding the physiology of the heart
from the
ion channel level."
Mariko Nakamura, Ph.D.
Ryukyus School of Medicine, Japan
Many beautiful illustrations
along with Dr. Dubin’s narration in Ion Adventure
in the Heartland make physiological function easy to understand at the
ionic-molecular level.”
Hisashi Yokoshiki, M.D., Ph.D.
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
“I am very
impressed that Ion Adventure in the Heartland has a lot of comprehensive
illustrations that help students, researchers, and clinical fellows
learn cardiac electrophysiology from ionic-molecules to EKG.
I hope that it also becomes an international best-seller (as
your textbook on the EKG).”

Professor Koki Shigenobu, Ph.D.
Toho University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
“Ion Adventure in the Heartland contains an abundance of
beautiful illustrations that are enjoyable to me, and very helpful to my
students for understanding the role of ions in cardiac function.”
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Dubin's "Ion Adventure" (in English)
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Ion Adventure in the
Heartland, Volume I
by Dale Dubin, M.D.
Hardbound, 81/2" by 11" • 390 pages
5 Pounds
Profusely illustrated in full color
ISBN 0-912912-11-1
Price $59.95
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Ion Adventure in the Heartland
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